Clarence Valley locals learn traditional fire management practices with support from FRRR
The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal is supporting a series of workshops to teach locals the practice of cool burning to protect themselves from the threat of bushfire.
SA charity match raises funds for flood recovery
The SA Flood Recovery Match was held as the curtain raiser at Coopers Stadium, Adelaide, to support farmers affected by natural disasters in SA, particularly the recent River Murray flood event.
Partnership to boost early childhood literacy outcomes extended
Calls to build back better after flooding in the Fitzroy Valley
As devastating floods swept across Australia this summer, communities around the country felt the impact. Neither city nor regional and remote residents were spared from the damage.
New sustainability guide for not-for-profits and charities
A new playbook from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) offers actionable insights for not-for-profit (NFP) and charitable organisations on how to incorporate sustainability into their operations and supply chains.
United Ukraine Appeal’s mission extends beyond the end of the war
This month will make a full year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. Since then a charity founded by Betashares CEO Alex Vynokur has delivered humanitarian aid to Ukrainians affected by the war and evacuated vulnerable children to safety.
Best of Giving film – Innovation: the Fay Fuller Foundation and OurTown
Across the country, there are a myriad of small towns confronting their own problems, trying to make sure their communities can thrive under a range of stresses and pressures.