Top 5 tips from funders for NFPs on grants and building relationships
How can not-for-profits (NFPs) improve their grant applications in the eyes of funders? How can NFPs build relationships within the sector and what are the benefits? What do funders want to see when it comes to NFPs sharing their vision and impact? These questions and more were put to a panel of key funders at Philanthropy Australia’s Meet the Funder event in Sydney this week.
Read moreLatest SILA cohort set to enhance NFPs in Queensland and NT
Twenty-four leaders from not-for-profit organisations across Queensland and the Northern Territory are set to drive their impact further by joining Australia’s most comprehensive executive education program for the social purpose sector, the Social Impact Leadership Australia (SILA) Program.
New conference updates! Discover speakers, panellists and more
Today we reveal a cascade of speakers! We have confirmed loads of panellists and moderators for the concurrent sessions and masterclasses. We wanted you to be the first to know.
This month in philanthropy: June 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of our gallery designed to showcase events, launches, project updates and activities happening in our busy member community.
Conference update: your opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ to a not-for-profit leader
Philanthropy Australia Conference registrations are selling fast, so it’s an important time to think about who is ‘in the room’. At each conference, a variety of generous members, people and organisations choose to ‘pay it forward’. They do this by donating to help cover the cost of conference registration for leaders of smaller not-for-profit organisations who would not otherwise be able to attend.
Farewell to Sam Rosevear
In news that is both sad and exciting, Philanthropy Australia’s Executive Director of Policy, Government Relations and Research, Sam Rosevear has accepted a senior role as Head of the Research Division in the Higher Education Group, Department of Education, Canberra. Sam will be leaving PA in mid-July and will commence this fantastic opportunity in late July.
Q&A with Peter Walton
Peter Walton commenced as CEO of Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation in April 2024. Prior to joining the Foundation, Peter was CEO of global humanitarian organisation CARE Australia. Before that he was Director, International with Australian Red Cross, and CEO of Infoxchange. Here, Philanthropy Weekly asks Peter about his first weeks in the role.