Philanthropy supports professorship to honour Sir Gustav Nossal
The exceptional legacy of former director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) and Australian treasure Sir Gustav Nossal AC CBE will continue through an ongoing professorship, enabled through the philanthropy of the Nossal family. Sir Gus is one of Philanthropy Australia’s two patrons.
Interview with Charles Goode AC, the recently retired Chairman of The Ian Potter Foundation
In late March this year, The Ian Potter Foundation announced the retirement of Mr Charles Goode AC from its Board of Governors, effective April 2024. Charles joined the Board at the request of Sir Ian Potter in 1987 and was appointed Chairman in 1994 after the Founder's death. In this interview, Philanthropy Weekly asks the former Chairman to reflect on his 37 years of service to the Foundation.
Snow Medical to revolutionise immunology research globally with $100 million gift
In one of the largest and longest-running philanthropic partnerships in Australian history, the Snow Medical Research Foundation (Snow Medical) announced this week that it will work with the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute to establish one of the world’s leading immunology research centres with an initial commitment of $100 million over 10 years. It will be called the Snow Centre for Immune Health, and the emphasis of the funding is to create the long-term capacity to allow scientists to pursue bold research programs. Ongoing investments are expected beyond 10 years.
Professor Ian Frazer backs double giving, saying philanthropy supports breakthrough research: video
One of Australia’s leading medical researchers, Professor Ian Frazer AC, who co-invented the cervical cancer vaccine, has joined with Philanthropy Australia to call for the nation to double charitable giving to medical research by 2030 from $1.5 billion to $3 billion. Philanthropy Australia has launched a new video telling the story of how philanthropy underpinned virtually all of Professor Frazer's early work.
Why charities need robust cybersecurity now
When a cybersecurity breach exposes confidential data such as customer personal details, sponsors and donors data and funding details, there will be significant consequences whether the victim is a large profit-making business or a small charity.