Chapter Groups
This page provides a brief introduction to the PA Chapter Groups model, setting out the purpose, intentions and structure of Chapter Groups.
Philanthropy Australia’s Chapter Groups are a model to support collaborative philanthropic initiatives in special interest areas that align with PA’s overall mission of promoting more and better philanthropy and our DGR status. Philanthropy Australia is able to receipt and transfer donations, and for expenses to be transacted should entities with a common purpose choose to partner with Philanthropy Australia.
In December 2018, The Philanthropy Australia Board approved a new pilot initiative to establish PA Chapter Groups. This was viewed as a meaningful way to support and service PA members who were keen to grow more and better philanthropy in special interest areas. The first group established was the Australian International Development Network (AIDN). Four other Chapter Groups have subsequently been established. Each Chapter Group has a distinct focus but share a common aim of inspiring and improving philanthropy in their respective area.
Each Chapter Group is governed by a Terms of Reference which clearly sets out the purpose of the Chapter Group and sets out its operations and the support Philanthropy Australia will provide to the pursuit of these purposes.
Each Chapter Committee comprises of at least 4 members (with at least the Chair being a member of Philanthropy Australia). Under the standard Terms of Reference (ToR), the key obligations of each Chapter Group are to:
- ensure activities carried out are in line with the Chapter Group and PA’s purpose
- develop an annual plan and budget for approval by PA
- meet at least four times per year
- provide minutes to PA within one month of each meeting
- review the Committee composition annually
- permit a PA Board member to attend Chapter Group meetings
Philanthropy Australia establishes a sub account to support the purposes and activities of the Chapter Group. PA also makes available support and explores joint activities (e.g. events or Conference speakers). The financial arrangement as set out in the Terms of Reference is that 5% of the donated funds are paid to Philanthropy Australia to cover the costs in administering and supporting Chapter Groups.
The Chapter Group is part of Philanthropy Australia and is separate to any external groups working on the interest/issue the Chapter Group addresses, although typically will work closely with those groups where consistent with these Terms of Reference.
From experience, each Chapter Group takes a different form and PA has developed different relationships with each Chapter Group. PA staff meet regularly with Chapter Groups’ committees and the paid professionals working with the Chapter Groups to ensure the efficient functioning of the Chapter Group model but to also explore joint activities and other opportunities for collaborative working on issues of common interest.
Philanthropy Australia’s Chapter Group Policy (last updated March 2023) and the Draft Terms of Reference provide more details on the purpose, processes and structure of Chapter Groups.
Please also contact Adam Ognall, Executive Director Engagement ([email protected]) with any questions you may have on the workings and benefits of Chapter Groups.
Current Chapter Groups
Jobs and Skills Funders Network
Interested in becoming a chapter group or want to learn more? Please contact Adam Ognall, Executive Director Engagement ([email protected]) with any questions you may have on the workings and benefits of Chapter Groups.