Michelle Di Fabio Foundations Group for Impact Investing (FGII) Program Director

Michelle leads the Foundations Group for Impact Investing (FGII) at Philanthropy Australia. The FGII launched in 2023, is designed to support market-building initiatives for foundations and charitable funders interested in starting or currently undertaking impact investing.  

Michelle is passionate about education, currently lecturing in Impact Investing (Sustainable Investments) at The University of Melbourne and formerly at the Centre for Social Impact (CSI). Michelle is experienced in the responsible investing and superannuation sectors, having worked for various Superannuation funds, UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is the Founder and Director of Strategic Global Advisory (SGA). 

Michelle qualified as a Chartered Accountant at PwC and is an alumnus of The University of Melbourne, University of Manchester and studied the Social Impact Investing Programme at Oxford’s SAID Business School. 

Michelle is a board member of Dodgeball Australia, national student body Financial Management Association of Australia (FMAA) and former Alumni Deputy Chair at The University of Melbourne.