News and stories

News and stories

New gender-wise resource launched to support philanthropic collaborations

Philanthropy Australia Fri, 26 Apr 2024

Australians Investing In Women (AIIW) and the University of Melbourne's Melbourne Social Equity Institute (MSEI) have launched a comprehensive resource to increase the impact of philanthropic and social investments.

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News and stories

Australian women are set to inherit trillions – what will that mean for giving?

Allison Harding Fri, 12 Apr 2024

JBWere’s recent report, The Growth of Women and Wealth, estimates that Australian women will become custodians of more than 65% of the nearly $5 trillion in intergenerational wealth transfer in coming years – but what does that mean for charitable giving?

News and stories

Pathways to Politics for Women opens more doors in busy election year

Philanthropy Australia Fri, 12 Apr 2024

The award-winning Pathways to Politics for Women program has become fully national for the first time, now incorporating Western Australia and Tasmania. Building on recent successes in Queensland local elections, organisers are calling on more future female leaders who are passionate about politics and driving positive change in their communities to apply.

News and stories

Startling research shows cost of living pressures hitting Sydney women hard

Lisa Grinham, Head of Sydney Women’s Fund Fri, 22 Mar 2024

Philanthropy Australia co-hosted an event with Sydney Women’s Fund to launch its Portrait V Women of Greater Sydney Research on International Women’s Day 2024. The study is conducted every three years and takes the pulse of women in Sydney, highlighting the issues that matter to them and the challenges they face. Here, Lisa Grinham, Head of Sydney Women’s Fund, shares the findings, which inform the organisation’s granting process.

News and stories

The book on miscarriage the Victorian Women’s Trust knew had to be written

Dee Rudebeck, News and Storytelling Advisor Fri, 22 Mar 2024

Around 285 pregnancies result in miscarriage each day in Australia – or around one every five minutes. It’s an extraordinary figure and yet the most common complication associated with childbirth is shrouded in silence, and unfortunately shame, for many of the thousands of affected families. Author Isabelle Oderberg has set out to change some of the perceptions around this all-too-common experience in her book Hard to Bear, the writing of which was supported by philanthropy.

News and stories

‘Giving circle magic’: The gift that grew and grew from a group of Melbourne women

Philanthropy Australia Fri, 8 Mar 2024

This is a story of a giving circle and the impact of one of its gifts that grew beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. The initial $60,000 grant came from the Melbourne Women’s Fund to help an inner-city community organisation provide early intervention support for women in contact with the criminal justice system. A few years on, it has led to outstanding results and millions of dollars in government backing to expand the program across the city.

News and stories

Philanthropy Australia launches Women’s Giving and Philanthropy initiative   

Patricia Burke OAM, Senior Advisor, Engagement & Philanthropy, Philanthropy Australia Fri, 8 Mar 2024

As people across Australia gather to mark International Women’s Day, Philanthropy Australia celebrates by launching our Women’s Giving and Philanthropy initiative. Women’s philanthropy has emerged as a distinct area using innovative and creative methods to improve local, national and global communities. Pat Burke OAM, Senior Advisor at Philanthropy Australia and a key driver of this initiative, explains how it aims to grow and support women’s philanthropy with resources, research and inspiring stories as a key part of our mission to support ‘more and better’ giving.

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