Advocacy update: ‘First Steps’ in response to the Productivity Commission’s Philanthropy Report and final submission regarding Draft Ministerial Guidelines for Community Foundations
In this update about policy and advocacy, Philanthropy Australia's Executive Director, Policy and Sector Development, Krystian Seibert writes about the federal government's ‘First Steps’ in response to the Productivity Commission’s Philanthropy Report. Krystian also comments on Philanthropy Australia's final submission Regarding Draft Ministerial Guidelines for Community Foundations
Consultation on the final component of new Community Foundations DGR Category
The Australian Government has released draft ministerial guidelines for community foundations for public consultation. The guidelines are the final component needed before the new deductible gift recipient (DGR) category for community foundations can start. The guidelines will apply to entities within the new DGR category, outlining requirements for governance, record keeping and permitted activities. Treasury is inviting submissions in response to the guidelines, with consultation open up until 3 December 2024.
Unpacking the final report of the Productivity Commission’s Philanthropy Inquiry
Philanthropy Australia’s Policy, Government Relations and Research team look at some of the key themes and recommendations of the Productivity Commission report.
Advocacy update: Productivity Commission’s Future Foundations for Giving report
The Productivity Commission’s final report of its philanthropy inquiry, Future Foundations for Giving, was publicly released on Thursday 18 July. Here, Philanthropy Australia’s Policy, Government Relations and Research team summarise the outcomes and next steps.
‘Tax nudge’ reform could unlock up to $19.5b in giving by 2030: new Philanthropy Australia report
A voluntary choice for Australians to donate part of their tax return to charity could help dramatically transform giving in Australia, writes Philanthropy Australia’s Executive Director, Sam Rosevear. A number of options are investigated and modelled in the report by Impact Economics and Policy: Greater Giving: Tax Time Prompts to Increase Charitable Giving.
Productivity Commission Inquiry on Philanthropy is provided to Government today
The Productivity Commission (PC) is providing its final report on philanthropy to the Federal Government today, another big milestone in the double giving agenda, writes Philanthropy Australia’s Executive Director of Policy, Government Relations and Research, Sam Rosevear. Here, Sam provides an update on his advocacy to government regarding when the inquiry’s findings will be made public.
Positive, but more to do on Double Giving: our response to Productivity Commission’s draft findings
Philanthropy Australia thanks the Productivity Commission for the open and consultative approach it took in developing its draft report, ‘Future foundations for giving’. The report recommends some important reforms, including the expansion of Deductible Gift Recipient status to more charities and the establishment of an independent philanthropic foundation controlled by, and for the benefit of, First Nations communities. However, the final report will need to recommend a stronger suite of high-impact reforms if Australia is to achieve a step-change lift in our culture and practice of giving.