Operation Flinders: ‘It’s a bit of a headspin for the kids’
Video: Inspiring Story – Foundation Barossa
Foundation Barossa nurtures and builds its community’s strength and assets, responding to challenges and opportunities and supporting organisations and individuals to do likewise.
Watch: Inspiring video stories of South Australia
The Philanthropy Australia Conference 2024, hosted in Adelaide, SA on Kaurna Country, showcased six inspiring stories of purpose from South Australia.
Video: Inspiring story – Carclew
Carclew is South Australia’s largest multi-art form and cultural organisation dedicated to artistic outcomes by and for people aged 26 and under. It provides young people with opportunities to try different art forms, supports emerging artists to develop their craft and advocates for youth art practice. Watch their story in this video.
Research highlights pressures experienced by young people today
Two important education reports were launched this week at an event hosted by David Gonski AC. The 2024 Australian Youth Barometer: Understanding Young People in Australia Today and the Independent Evaluation of the Raise Mentoring Program highlight the multiple demands on young people’s mental health. The Raise report outlined some of the philanthropically supported programs having positive outcomes the space.
Australian youth mental health NFPs among recipients of US$3m grants from Lady Gaga’s foundation
A number of local organisations working to help improve outcomes for young people’s mental health and wellbeing outcomes were among 65 charities in 10 countries to receive grants totaling US$3 million from the Born This Way Foundation (BTWF) in collaboration with the Cotton On Foundation. Among them here were the Raise Foundation, Strong Brother, Strong Sister and batyr.
Meet our new member: Queensland Theatre
In the first of a regular series, we’ll be introducing new members who have joined Philanthropy Australia in recent months. It is of perennial interest to see where the breadth of philanthropy’s work reaches across all sectors of the community and its ever-evolving nature is reflected in our members. Here, we kick off the Q&A series with Queensland Theatre. The answers have been provided its Executive Director, Criena Gehrke.