Policy Priorities for a Post-COVID-19 Australia 2020

Our recommendations for policy changes for the Australian Government to consider to support the sector during and post the COVID-19 crisis.

Philanthropy Australia recommended 5 immediate policy changes for the Australian Government to consider to support the sector during the COVID-19 crisis.

There has never been a more significant time for Australia’s philanthropic sector. Throughout the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 crisis, philanthropy acted with urgency and purpose to complement the efforts of the Australian Government to ensure that Australia’s charitable sector was able to continue to deliver vital services, maintain employment and sustain communities.

Now, our attention needs to shift towards economic recovery. We believe there is a crucial opportunity for the government to leverage the capacity and resources of the philanthropic sector to support charities as they begin the process of recovery.

This is an opportunity to make sure we have the incentives, frameworks and regulations to encourage more and better philanthropy, particularly in times of crisis.